Well, it's a lovely spring holiday weekend here in Notrealland: the sun is out, the first flowers are blooming and so the muse just couldn't summon up the energy to strike me today*. So rather than toss off** some captions, I just got my trusty old Hasselblad out and wandered around the lovely Notrealshire town of Notrealingham, where I don't really live, taking pictures of some of my favourite spots that don't really exist.
Sometimes even this blog doesn't have to be about femdom porn, OK? Let's just take a moment to savour the pleasures of humdrum day-to-day life.
* Yes, I know I've made the 'muse striking me' joke several times before. I like it, OK?
** Yes, I know. I like that one too.
*** Well, OK, if you want to quibble, that particular place does actually exist.
**** What? Well, OK, unless you live in the Southern hemisphere I suppose. Do you have to be so pedantic all the time? Just read the bloody blog, why can't you? I spent ages in Photoshop with most of these pictures and I don't know why I bothered, as I know that you'll hate them because there's no pictures of women. What do you want - porn? (Don't answer that).