She is it, and she also has it.
Perhaps you should discuss her salary expectations soon, as I think right now they are increasing rapidly.
She uses 'cruelty free' cosmetic products but I'm afraid that attitude extends only to animals. Non-human animals, I mean.
The system is open to abuse by women seeking to save money on nursing care for their elderly male relatives unfortunately. But a recent inquiry into the prevalence of false accusations of crminal sexism concluded (a) that it was not so very high and (b) that the old bastards probably deserved it anyway. So that's all right.
Imagine putting her to so much trouble. And he calls himself submissive...
The lady visting OWK in this pastoral scene is Goddess Sophia, whose cages, canes and (most memorably) gloriously swishy rubber dress Servitor has had the honour to experience - and can thoroughly recommend to UK-based subs. She may or may not still be in business and is not the lady of the same name in Portsmouth, who I am sure is equally lovely.
I imagine Douglas knows many things they don't... lots of secret little thoughts.