Yes, in what must be an enormous relief to the defenders of Kyiv, this blog has taken the momentous step of declaring its support for the brave girls... OK and the boys as well, bless them... defending their country. Possibly a pointless and performative gesture you might say (and you'd be right) or possibly just not what you came here to read, as you sit there, trousers doesn't around your ankles (and you'd probably be right again but there's no point your taking to the comments to tell me to stay out of politics, as I'm willful and stubborn).
Ukraine is of course the country that elected this leader, whom apparently the Russians didn't like at all. Which is (yet) another thing to like about her.
Also, the following images claim to be of Ukrainian fighters and soldiers and it says so on the Internet, so I'm sure it must be true.
OK, I think I'd be prepared to admit I don't necessarily believe this one is an actual servicewoman, but the blog wasn't created to be particularly realistic. |
I am generally avoiding pictures of the genuine lady soldiers (such as the Ukrainian parliamentarian) who have taken up arms in recent days, as it's not actually a matter for a lighthearted porno blog (few war-related things are) but this lady, a former Miss Ukraine, seems to have her picture all over the place, so here she is here:
Aaaand finally, there are Ukrainian pro-dommes - well of course there are. And while good BDSM safety awareness means I can't really recommend attempting to visit those that are in Kyiv just now (unless you like your play very hard-core), they do at least provide a sense of what the country has that is so very worth defending. Let's hope they are all safe.
Mistress Anna (... possibly, if you believe in these kind of generic escort sites, I guess):
Слава Україні!