The divine Ms Harry, for contemplation and worship.
Sometimes she's in the mood for screaming and frantic pleading but right now she's trying to enjoy her book, so just keep it down, hmm?
She can show you both heaven and hell - as, to be fair, can the priest but in a very different way.
See? Cruella's not all about bleak post-industrial settings. This photo-shoot's in a bleak pre-industrial setting and a refreshing change it is too.
Don't you just hate being the third one on a date? I do - but she doesn't seem to care.
Go on - not many kinksters get to live out their fantasies in reality.
Mine's 'maggot', by a curious coincidence. But can readers of this blog keep that to themselves, please? You can't be too careful these days. Fortunately my SO is the only one who knows the really important passwords, like the one for our bank account. I wonder what these two need yours for? Still... best not to argue.