It's easy to tell when someone's smiling, even behind a medical mask.
Original sins, so to speak. Ho de ho.
Now here's a lady with an original approach to BDSM. It might seem surprising that a bee-keeping outfit can actually be more scary than the traditional leather uniforms, but believe me: once you've experienced that kind of play, you'll agree that it is.
She got accustomed to having her own way when they were all encouraged to stay in character on-set and she's never really readjusted to the real world. Probably best to humour her. Her entourage do: that's why they got you.
Like many guys I vividly remember the very first time I totally failed to have sex with a girl. She was rather sweet about it, actually, which in retrospect is a shame, as if she'd humiliated and mocked me, I might have got excited and been able to rise to the situation. Oh well... it was very special, anyway.