.... by George Harrison. Pirate version, obviously. * Extra bonus post today! Me hearties!
It's a good thing she was there to step in. Normally, when she's off sick, L just leaves them a message to find a pair of sneakers and sort themselves out. |
If we're talking about bad influences, personally I happen to think that Karen is a bad influence on her... but no one listens to me.** |
Others just think it's rather fun... kind of a conversation piece. |
Sometimes love needs a helping hand. |
* Today being 'International talk like a pirate day'! I celebrated this day once before by putting up an entire post of captioned femdom images of lovelies talking like pirates, with a lot of emphasis on being boarded through yer rear porthole, matey etc. Forgetting of course that individual images get copied, tumblred, shared and generally distributed around the Internet without context. An Internet that, not unreasonably, reacted by declaring these the worst captioned femdom images ever created. So I won't be doing that again... there's 'good' humiliation and then there's the other kind. So, just the usual perfectly normal captions today. Yo ho ho!
** I write captions all the time and select images from my vast archive*** when I put up a post. Consequently, many of these images were captioned years ago. For some reason, I frequently settled on 'Karen' as the name of an off-screen more vicious friend of whichever divine goddess is speaking. Anyway, that was before Karen became 'Karen' OK? Let's hope that particular fad passes and let's hope most fervently that it never, ever also catches 'Janice' in its memetic claws.****
*** No, really. I have about 1600 unpublished ones right now. That's three years' supply. Ha! They said he was running out of captioned images; they said he was running out of ideas... They were half right.
****Or 'Raoul'.