We're all blessed to be amongst women, don't you think? Usually, I have to pay for the privilege, but even so..
You know, that reminds me of a funny story. The first time I visited a domme in France, she asked if I wanted to be "blessé". So of course I said "Oui, Maîtresse!" and I knelt down and waited for divine benediction.
But, would you believe it, in French "blessé" means wounded!
Goodness, how I laughed at my mistake afterwards, when the bones in my jaw had been re-set.
Well... it's not as if the chair's that comfortable anyway. Me on the ring, her sitting on the chair...we'll see who cracks first. |
Anyone not realising that this is the divine Eleise de Lacy, or that Femme Fatale Films are absolutely superb... well, anyone like that probably isn't reading this blog, actually.
Nothing to see here, let's move on. |
She's going to be her own, er... ex-step-mother! How cool is that? |
Planet Femdom. If statuesque German ladies are your thing (and even more so, if you'd like to be their thing), it's the place you want to go right after this.