Oh – honey. About last night… look, next time you meet him, could you be a bit less weird around Adrian? I mean, goodness, he just mentioned his operation and you looked like you were having a panic attack. And then you spent the rest of the evening staring at his crotch.
Yes, it was very noticeable. Honestly – anyone would think you hadn’t met anyone who’d been castrated before.Don’t be silly – of course you have. You know Simon, don't you, and Fernando and –
Yes, of course he is. Simon had the op almost – oh I don’t know, two years ago now. Jeanne told me. And there’s Eric of course. Eric was castrated ages ago. He was one of the first, in our circle.
Yes he is. Honey, I’m not going to argue about this! Well, maybe you didn’t know, but believe me Eric's got nothing down there any more. Angie had a few friends over the day it was done.
No, well it’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t have been invited.
You know, actually I think it might be harder to think of which of the married men we know hasn’t been cut. There’s Alex of course – Karen’s been trying to get him to the clinic for years now, but you know how stubborn he is. And Malcolm and Kate, but that’s because they’re still trying to have children. Kate doesn’t want IVF for some reason, so they’ve agreed they won’t do it yet.
Paul? Hmmm. I don’t know actually. I haven’t heard anything. Amelia doesn't like to talk about private things like that. But he does seem a lot calmer than he used to be, don't you think? Sort of placid. That's often a sign - it's because the testosterone isn't there any more, apparently. Maybe he is. Gosh - it's almost everyone then, isn't it?I guess we’re just at that kind of age. Like a few years back, when everyone seemed to be getting married, and then everyone seemed to be having kids. We’re a bit behind, this time, I suppose.
Oh, stop looking so panicked. We don’t have to talk about it any time soon, if you don’t want! I’m fine with how things are just now. You know I am. They do say it’s best to get it done before you’re 45, that’s the only thing. And that would still give me time to enjoy a few younger men before I hit the menopause. But there’s no rush. Maybe some time after the summer holidays? You’ll probably want to have sex when we’re in Portugal, after all. It would make the holiday really special, knowing it was the last time for you, don’t you think?
Anyway, we can talk about it another time. Do you want to watch some TV?