The title is a tribute to my favourite tumblr at the moment, which for a long time I assumed went by the name of "When women attack", until I bothered to ask Mistress Google what it meant. And a much better title than mine it is, too.So, on we go. Another post, featuring several hovercraft full of eels. |
Lily looks rather sweet, doesn't she? Not mean at all. Odd, that... |
Oh dear, they're going to be so embarrassed on Monday! Also on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - oh, and then really mortified on Friday, when I understand the girls have something special planned. |
One of the advantages of male submission, as compared to other sexual perversions, is that you can use it for self-improvement. My Significant Other taught me to fold my shirts properly, for example, by showing me how and then hitting me until I got it right. It's useful on business trips. Not a particularly amusing or wry comment, I know, but it happens to be true. |
From SchoolMistressFantasy - but my virus checker gets alarmed by this site, so I won't link: your choice, your risk.
Of course, if they start coming out the other end it doesn't count. |
This is Mistress Elektra Skye, for whom I can't find a dedicated site - but she's here, among other places. |
Yes, Ma'am. Miss Hurley. Ma'am. |