This blog started on January 26 2011. So it has been almost ten years... and here's me, with so much ironing still to do.
Nonetheless, it's true: this blog has been wasting everyone's time (well... the time of an infinitesimal fraction of the human race) since that long-ago date, with a post titled "Why are we here?", the answer to which remains obscure 1318 posts later.
I hadn't originally expected to focus on captioned images. A couple of years before, I had visited a domme for the first time; a lady who was to be the only domme I visited for the next three years. She has now retired and has a vanilla profession so I will say nothing to identify her. At the end of my first - wonderful, life-changing - session she instructed me to write an account of the session, for her web site, which I did and I was immensely proud when she published it. It became a habit, and after a while I also started writing short fiction stories to send her. I think she did genuinely like most of them.
Anyway, I set up the web site to publish those stories, along with any random wittering that might occur to me. I did put up most of them - if you are interested, the easiest way to see them is to download the pdf collections using the 'Servitor's femdom stories' links to the right, there. My wonderful Lady and her lesbian partner feature in them too, under the pseudonyms of Valerie and Sandra. This one perhaps gives the most lifelike impression of her: Take me to your Mistress. But this is my favourite, because of the way it shows the relationship between the two of them: The elves and the dominatrices.
I very soon started producing captioned images as well as stories and... now I've published just over 5000 such images, horrifyingly enough. I do occasionally still write stories, but more often when something appears as a story on this blog it's just a caption that became unfeasibly long. I have over 2000 unpublished captioned images and I produce anything up to another 100 each month, so it's not stopping any time soon.
So... a great deal of drivel has been produced - and more of it to come. I'm going to put up some of my favourite drivel over the next few days.
We'll begin with some of the silliest. I get the impression that the silly ones that make me giggle aren't the most popular. I don't mind. I like silly. I love to behave in a foolish manner in session and get slapped for it. Let's get the silliest over with, then it'll get more sensible as we move towards the actual deciversary (deci-anniversary?).
I love this one. Not just because of the latex-clad lovelies, although they help a lot, it's true. |
Lovely Lexi Sindel. |
See? Again: like Gary Larson but with added obscenity and subtracted wit. |
Very Far Side. Plus testicles. |
What a lovely smile. Two lovely smiles. |
Sorry about that...couldn't resist. |
'Oops' has to be right up there near the top of the list of 'words you don't want to hear in session' . 'Tarantula' would be above it, for me anyway. |
Would probably have been included in Rule 18 if I'd been doing that back when I made this. |
Ooh... edgy. Self-referential and self-loathing too! |
I quite like mocking session conventions (see Advice to a Novice etc...). This caption might have run away from me a bit, but I just love the idea that a bit of strict schoolmistress play has turned into a discussion of the annealing process for glass, because of some random stuff she wrote on the blackboard. |
Grrr! Picture from the heyday of Cruella, there. More of those to come. |
Could have been any of them. |
And, of course...